Day 1 (Tuesday)
Just alright, Arrived at the airport safely and felt that Banjarmasin is a hot city, not much different with Jakarta... I thought this city ain

't that bad... I get to go eat at a place beside this river where the water's only inches from the floor... it's a pretty place overall, and it's a fun day...
Day 2 (Wednesday)
Started to feel the weight of this job coz the customers wants me to stay until saturday while I was supposed to stay only until Friday... and my sales also wants me to stay until saturday... I'm like "dude!! it ain't got nothing to do with me, it's the billing system guy's job..." but I'm a little relieved with the fact that I could connect 2 pabx via VOIP with only little mistake, ehehhee... but that ain't my main job... my main job's the installation on this new opening Hotel, and things are just starting to build up on this site...
My roomDay 3 (Thursday)
My salesperson went home to Jakarta today, so I'm stuck in this room alone writing this and watching movies I downloaded before I go here and listening to some musics... got a lot of $#!7 to do tomorrow... if my salesman gets a bonus from this project and didn't share it with me..... well... there's nothing that I could do then... Like I'd care... I'm done here as soon as I get a better job... a job that'll at least pay me for staying up until 3AM for doing something... I'm through here... I mean, I still could learn tons of stuff here, but I felt my own insecurity here, and I have my own targets, I have my own dreams... I can't get it here... this is just my first step... I'm gonna be huge... I'm gonna be a man that everyone who knows me could be proud of... ahahahaa... hope it'll came true... not just stuff that comes out from my mouth while I got lonely out here...
Day 4 (Friday)
My face at that morning, can't even smile...It's a fine day, I get yelled at by one of the customers here, but I don't care coz it's not my fault... it's the sales division's fault, and I can't do anything else down here, so don't blame me for anything if my company name's messed up... well I'm going home tomorrow, but I just gotta do something at the hotel I'm working on... as soon as it's done, I'm gone... maybe find something for everyone back at Jakarta if I got the time... but we'll see tomorrow... now I just wanna watch my stand-up comedy collection, and lay back.....
Day 5 (Saturday)
I got a lot of stuff to do today, but it doesn't matter... all I gotta do is finish it all and then I'm off... I waited for all the stuff I needed to come from Jakarta coz without that I can't do anything. So before those stuff arrived, I walked around the hotel which is under construction and look around the rooms that I linked the telephone line just to know what is it looked like... it looked okay but I don't really care... coz I'm going homee!!! after that I went to buy some stuff for people at Jakarta then went straight to the airport which is crappy just so you know... and people said that the airport at Timika is even worse... Please God don't let my company sell Alcatel stuff out there.
Fooling around with the security's new stuff

Chain of fools... :p
Anyway the plane's delayed for about 1 hour and I'm stuck on the airport with my low-bat cellphone doing nothing. After that the gate for the plane's opened and I went to the bus that'll bring me to the plane and then I'm off... Goodbye Banjarmasin... maybe I won't coming back, but I think I'll be coming back for some late maintenance at the hotel.
Me at the front desk of the hotel
Where&what I'm working on...
Mr.Arif and Mr.Safari who stays at the same place with me
thx alot y'all...
At the hotel's ballroom
Goodbye BanjarmasinThen I arrived at Jakarta safely after alot of bumps at the plane while flying :p and went straight to the bus that'll take me close to my home... thankfully I got the bus right away and arrived quickly at home... after I got home and say hi to my family, I went out again to see other person that I really missed... it's a good day overall, and I could sleep at my bed at home!!!!! ahahahhaaaa!!!!!
Seeyah in our funny lives...