Yup, that's what crossed my mind when I'm on the road to my friend's bir thday party...  When I'm halfway there, my friend called and he gave it to my angry birthday buddy who yelled "If you don't bring your ass up here in 15 minutes, I never wanna hear your name anymore!!!" man, she's like my li'l sister in junior high, so I raced up there and apologize for arriving very late, kekekekee... well we talked so much about some stuff, and they're pretty shocked when they heard that I already broke up with my girlfriend after 6 the whole 6 years... well, shit happens... and again we talked about how Ghana making a scene  in his new job, actually it's a pretty amazing story how he made a huge change in the whole organization of the place where he worked at... but again he ditched them just like that, and I told him, if he ain't gonna be success, he's gonna be a bum... I mean there's no way a marketing genius like him could end up being a mess, he'll be alright... and he tried to find me a job (thanks alot dude...) and sent me an address to send my CV, now that's what I call a friend... thanks alot dude... and thanks Tasha for letting me ate 2 plate of Rib eye with cheesed mashed potato with this lamb kebab-styled meat... arrghhh, I'm full... :D Seeyah in our funny lives... ~Arno~