My funny, romantic and ironic life

Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Idea's nothing if you keep it for yourself
It's almost the same when people said that a script is useless if u let it lie down on your working table, and even worse if someone just steal it then he gets the credit&fame for all of those idea of yours...

A friend of mine who used to act and now he's still working on the entertainment industries, used to told me all that stuff. How he watched the TV when someone/some show were doing something that used to be his idea... I mean, let's go back a bit. I know when I thought of ideas, I know I'm not the only one thinking those stuff, maybe there's some person think of the same stuff... So I guess it means that if you don't do anything with your idea, it'll go to waste or someone else could rip you off...

I like making fun of stuff... So when I make fun of anything, don't think of it as dirty, unmannered, or inappropriate. It's an idea... I bet it would be funny for you if some of those people on TV saying those things.

In Indonesia, most of the comedians are either a girly guy, or a midget... When would we find a form of comedy like we find in US or Europe right now? Never I guess. Indonesia's comedy I think it's at the same level with Benny Hill or the 70's at the western, TOP!!! So maybe at 2030's we could do a one man show/improv to make the crowd laughed, and do Jerry Seinfeld's vision "you could be funny if you smart enough/write a good jokes." And that means you don't have to be gay-ish, no need to be a midget, don't need to bang your head on the wall, and no need to become this obese-huge-size-chubby-ankled person to make the crowd laugh.

There's a show in here called "extravaganza", and everyone here really loved it... But when I saw that show I thought "Saturday Night Live rip-off". Well call me anything but that's what I think. The show filled with with this "nobody" that eventually become a so-so star in this country, though few became a huge star... I just smirked just to compare them to the "old school" SNL's alumni such Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi, Chevy Chase, and Bill Murray. And I laughed my ass off to compare them with Eddie Murphy, Jim Belushi, Phil Hartman, Mike Myers, Chris Farley, Chris Rock, Adam Sandler, Rob Schneider, David Spade, Will Ferrell, Jimmy Fallon, and Tina Fey...
I mean, come on... If you're Indonesian, you know what I'm talking about... You can't compare Aming (Skinny used to act as a girl) with Mike Myers (Wayne from Wayne's World and Austin Powers...) it's not even a competition... Or Tora Sudiro with Adam Sandler? dude... not just the payroll, the act & funniness is also a no match...

This could be just a rant of some dude who's having a bad few days, or from a guy who's really bored with TV's and how comedies are applied in our medias and thinks that he knows everything about showbiz and other stuff... I don't know shit..... But this is just my thoughts...
So here's for Warkop's comedy album on cassettes back in the 80's (I think...), for Iwell's Stand-up comedy at Gedung Kesenian Jakarta a few years ago, and for Taufik Savalas's Stand-up comedy show at TV years ago... They try to made the difference, and I respected them for that...
Seeyah in our funny lives...
posted by Dudut @ 4:12 PM  
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Name: Dudut
Home: Jakarta, Indonesia
About Me: I'm what I am... currently thinking of stuff that I can brag about... =P ahahahhaaa... but mainly i'm just a regular guy with some special things up my sleeve, who's trying to find a living for my current and future family...
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