My funny, romantic and ironic life

Sunday, January 28, 2007
1... (Late sleep and My relative's wedding the next morning)
Okay, so this friday I went to take my cousin from Surabaya go out to look around at Jakarta... and we finished at around 1/2 past 10 coz I gotta take her and her husband to her brother's place at Kemayoran... then I went back home where everyone's gathering for a farewell party to my Grandpa/ma from Netherland coz they'll be going home the next day... and the party finished at around 12 o'clock, and I can't sleep coz I'm chatting with my cousins who's staying at my home for the night... Adam and Dicky... and we talked, eat, and watched TV until it's 3 in the morning, and I finally get to sleep at 3:40... normally it's fine, but at the morning I gotta wake up at 8 to get ready to go to my uncle's wedding!!! so I waked up like a zombie at 8, bath, shave, dressed up and stuff, and we're leaving at 9:15... and I arrived there just about time before the oath taking started... so I watched it... after it's finished I went out with my sister and cousin to find some breakfast... that's right breakfast!!! then we talked a bit about how long will he gone to Germany, and to buy me some stuff, ahahaa... but the interesting part is when he's telling me that he got a plan to get married before he's 25... dude... 25?? this year I'll be 23, and I just decide not to think about it just yet... but if he can do it, then... what the heck?!? go ahead man, break a leg... =P I mean while I just lose faith in my long term relationship, he pops up with this kinda idea... why don't you just grab a mallet and hit my head straight huh?? well I wish him ill, I mean well... and come back soon to be a successful person... and the wedding's pretty nice and just about time I'm gonna get more and more depressed... we're going home... yay!!!

(this's just 1 of many things I gotta do at this weekend which's really exhausting me, and I'm just really freakin tired to continue the post... It's almost 4 in the mornin for crap's sake...) so seeyah on the next post, kay??
posted by Dudut @ 2:59 AM  
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Name: Dudut
Home: Jakarta, Indonesia
About Me: I'm what I am... currently thinking of stuff that I can brag about... =P ahahahhaaa... but mainly i'm just a regular guy with some special things up my sleeve, who's trying to find a living for my current and future family...
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