Tuesday, February 27, 2007 |
Remembering my old dayz... |
What??? more than a week without writing on my blog??? well I'm so sowwy my loyal 1-to-four reader of my blog... There's a lot of stuff has been going on lately, so... sorry guys, hueheheee... but I'm alive, and still the old me... still Arno... Still Dangerous... Still the Everlovin Browneyed Fellow...
And now I'd like to talk about nicknames, you know like when you're a kid they'd call you wetpants or whatever... or when Playing games you would use a cool nickname or anything like that? here's what my nicknames are since I was a little kid...
Bibir/Bibiw (Indonesian for lips) - elementary~Junior High Well, I don't have like the biggest lips at both elementary or junior high, but I dunno... they said I open my mouth all the time, so I'll just accept it at that time, ehehehe...
The Legend - 2nd grade High School I always wanna be remembered by everyone, that's why I chose that name... "The Legend"... well, no one actually ever calls me that, but I just loved after playing soccer and we won, and I'll just started yelling "The Legend was here!!! Thank you very much ladies and gentlements..." ahahahaa, but when we lost, my classmates would just yell at me "The legend is dead!!!" But hey, why can't I call me and classmates Legends? man, we were just at 2nd grade, and we won against a whole bunch of 3rd grader, and reach the finals!!!!! damn, we were good, and I'll say it again to my class 2-4 classmates, we are The Legends!!!
Hammer - Online Ahahhaaa, this one's pretty simple... I used to love watching Ultimate Fighting Championship, and I liked everyone there from gracie to sakuraba... but I don't know why at that time, I was a Mark Coleman fan... and guess what's his nickname? "Hammer" that's right Mark "The Hammer" Coleman... simple huh?
Eyedea - Online I always loved rap and hip-hop and eyedea was one of the all time greatest freestyle rap battle of all time... he even beat eminem... well, that's just even more simple right??
Aahhh the past... I really missed it... wanna go back and study more on everything... ahahahaaa...
seeyah in our funny lives...
posted by Dudut @ 11:03 PM  |
Friday, February 16, 2007 |
I feel cold... |
Aaahhhh... nothing like sitting in front of computer of a gamecenter at 5 in the morning with my friend sitting beside me playing Counter Strike, and I'm just chilling, laying back on this really really comfortable chair writing this blog, with the song "you don't know me" played softly at the speaker... aaww, now it changed to "when I'm fall in love"... damn right I'm sleepy, but all I gotta do is just to click the Counter Strike icon on my desktop and BAM!!! I'm awake!!! ahahahaa...
I really need some fun... it's been an annoying day... I hated this day, it's the worst... I'm tired, I'm confused, my heart's aching, it's so damn cold in here, I'm still sick, I'm so fed up with someone, I'm tired of being lonely, hell I'm jealous... I miss my friends, I wanna play skate so just I could fall to the ground a lot and feel the pain coz I prefer being hurt phisically than mentally like this... I wanna hold someone real tight but I can't coz I don't even know if that person's give a damn about me or not right now... I wanna meet someone coz I really really miss that person and I haven't meet that person face to face for quite a while now...
Hell, I'm just mumbling in this quite Jakarta night... is it morning already? ahahaaa... well some of this stuff's true, some of them is just for now...
Seeyah in our funny lives...
~Arno~ Damn it's cold!!!!! |
posted by Dudut @ 4:30 AM  |
Tuesday, February 13, 2007 |
A little more about me |
I hate being single... that's right! at least that's what I feel right now... I know it's not even a month since my 6-year relationship have really ended, but I guess I'm not the kind who likes to mourn too much... I know it even took 67 days and one really disgusting batch of pancake for Marshall to forget Lily* but eversince my first girlfriend, I decide not to spend my time too much on regretting what I shoulda, woulda, coulda done... and after my second girlfriend, I decided to never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever again make any girl as my rebound... But no matter how much confidence I have of my ability to get over a relationship, I realized that I still needed a little time alone... right now I can't decide something for my own, I can't even decide my own feelings... well, time will tell I guess...
The main reason why I hated being single is that I can't show my affection to someone... I needed someone worth spend my time with... I needed a girl I could spend my money for without regretting it... I needed a women to fill my mind by the time before I went to bed... I needed a lady to... simply just to love... I don't like wasting my affection away, I like to make my girl feels happy...
Last night on a chat room with 5 or 6 of my friends, we talked about some stuff... and they finally came to a question for me... "how did you broke up with your girlfriend??" yeah, they wanted me to tell the story to them... but I keep saying no... I said that it's too soon guys... don't take this the same like when a 2 or 3 month relationship ended... it's 6 years... it's 6 freakin years guys... almost a quarter of my life I spent with this girl... doing everything... I just don't wanna remember about it for a while... and for God's sake please stop asking that questions... I'll tell y'all the story when the time's right...
I asked my friend a question once, to choose between Love or Friendship? Well he said Love... I'm a li'l confused, coz I don't expect that answer from him... then he said "I can have many friends and still feel my sorrow... I can stand between all my friends and yet still feel alone... I can have many friends sharing their feeling and love, yet still my heart aches with emptiness..." And I realized that i couldn't agree more with him... I thought, yeah... where's my friend when they're in love? they'd leave me like a banana skin after you ate the fruit... Forgive me my friends... those who understands me are my true friends... those who don't, you're still my friends... and don't get me wrong, few friends of mine are irreplaceable, but still I just needed someone beside me...
(*) : from How I Met Your Mother Season 2 episode 1...
Seeyah in our funny lives...
posted by Dudut @ 1:59 PM  |
Sunday, February 11, 2007 |
Another long weekend... |
Another long weekend for me, so I went to a comic festival which was being held at Pasaraya  Blok M... I went there with my friend linda riding Jakarta's infamous Busway... I met with my friend from highschool on the bus, and chat quite alot with him. So we arrived there and again I met my highschool friend working for the show's Event Organizer , she's selling ticket at the entrance... so after a few words with her we meet up with the rest of the guys, mudie, uci, and adit, then a few minutes later gilang and kevin joins us... man, I already prepared myself by just bringing little money, I ain't got no plan to buy much, but it's a comic fest which focuses on US comics... how can I not buy lots of stuff?!??!?! after walking around a couple of times, I broke the silence by started buying a few 90's comics... it's Avengers vol.3 #1 and #2, which was written by Rob Liefeld (my comic hero at that time... well, I just loved the Avengers, so I bought it...) and not long  after that Kevin saw this Evangelion Kit selled for just 30.000 Rupiah at place where I bought my books, only the case's a little raggedy... and after that linda really amuses us when she bought this Pirates of the Carribean's Jack Sparrow action figure... it's head could move around and it's so funny... but we didn't expect her to be the one spent the most money out there, followed by mudie who bought this glow in the dark superman shirt... after that I bought some MAD magazine to keep me company while staying home doing nothing... also at valentine's day... T_T well at least I'm having fun there, I met my friend koni there, and started showing off stuff that we found, trying to get each other's stuff coz I know he's a Rob Liefeld's fan... ahahahhaaa... anyway that's pretty much what we did there, after that I went to the gamecenter to play a bit... But after that my mom called to drive her to this restaurant coz my sister's out there treating  her friend&some of my family for her waayyy belated birthday... so I went to tomodachi restaurant at radio dalam and started to meet my sister's highschool friends,there's a TV announcer, Indonesia's basketball national team member, a doctor, etc... etc... etc... it's a funny combination knowing back in their highschool days, they were all a national level basketball player... well, I'm just having fun there with my family and cousins (pictured here), and this cute baby my sister's friend had... man, those cheeks are the chubbiest I ever saw... ^^ Anyway after that I went back to play at the gamecenter to meet and play with my brother and went home at 5am... it's normally fine, but at 10 or 11 mudie wanna come to my house to copy some stuff, and went to buy some DVD's at noon... and now..... I can't sleep... ahahahahaaa...
About the picture above, I dunno why the heck we took it in front of chatterbox cafe's huge logo, sorry bout that... ^^
Seeyah in our funny lives...
posted by Dudut @ 10:45 PM  |
Saturday, February 10, 2007 |
A letter for someone... |
Dear Someone,
There, I gave y'all the template, just copy-paste it, change the names, then print it, or email it to the person that you missed right now... or just plainly put it on your blog like I did... but that way you wouldn't know if they're gonna read it or not right? if not, then just keep it in your heart, just like I did... it'll hurt like hell though.....
posted by Dudut @ 12:20 AM  |
Friday, February 9, 2007 |
Get Lifted |
I'm back... and no! there's no John Legend's "get lifted" Lyrics down here... I gotta give one big thanks to someone... no, she's not one of my best friend, I barely see her, she won't even realized that she had given me a little bit of light... I first met her at highschool... I'm such a big jerk that time... yup that's right... she's one of my ex... after highschool she went to the same university as I am, but I never get to talk with her, coz honestly the relationship didn't ended well... (and my girlfriend at that time would kill me if I did talked that much with her...) we only went out for a little more than 1 month... okay, I'll be honest, she became like my rebound after I broke up with my first girlfriend... but that's the first and last time I'll ever did that, and that's why I've always been wondering how's she doing? coz I really felt a lot of guilt towards her up until now... I just wanna know, is she doing fine?
Well, yesterday I was at my campus and saw her sitting alone holding tissues at her nose, then I asked what was she crying for? turns out she's ill, ahahahaa... so we chat quite a bit, I finally found out that she's doing great... (my friend told me that all of my ex are better off without me, ahahahahaa maybe he's right... should I become gay? >.<) funny watching my friends's reaction when they found out she's my ex, they'd like "WTF?!?!?!" ahahhaa, coz I don't think she's that pretty... what I liked from her was her personality... she means everything she does towards me, when I asked about math or physics, and her eyes... arrghhhh!!! killer!!!!! ahahahaa... she already had a boyfriend now, a working boyfriend... well that's a smart move I told her... go find a successful guy for you, not a bum like me... ahahhaaa... anyway, I finally get to talk with her... and you know what? that actually kinda gets me lifted a bit... well, at least I don't need to go out till morning again that night... I could go to sleep at home that night.
So other than my best friends, and my friends who's going through a similar/even worse thing like I had right now... I wanna say thanks to her... eventhough it just a little bit, but it's enough to stop me from doing anything more stupid... wish you the best...
posted by Dudut @ 6:03 PM  |
Tuesday, February 6, 2007 |
One last... |
Dunno when I'm gonna be able to get back online again... but I just wanna write some more useless stuff that's been on my mind...
When it took years to build a relationship, it only took hours or even minutes to shatter them apart... I know what I said coz I've been through that kinda thing more than once... I dunno what the hell am I gonna do now... actually I really wanna shoot myself right in the head now, but that just don't make sense right? how the hell am I gonna find a bullet for my guns at this time of days? But I think I need some time to think about myself now... I plan to go out and meet with my friends for the next couple of days, if I could I wanna go out of town next week... maybe I still could do that coz I still haven't find a job yet...
But maybe I need it... actually I do need some stuff... I need to cry, check... I need to yell, check... I need to get angry, check... I need to hit something, check... all that's left is a big laugh... I really could use a laughter... hope I'll get that tomorrow...
To all my friends, this is just me at the moment... I'm still the old me... as I said before, still Arno... still Dangerous... still the everloving browneyed fellow... ahahahaaa...
Seeyah in our funny lives... ~ArnozA~
posted by Dudut @ 10:40 PM  |
Monday, February 5, 2007 |
Gone..... |
Ever think what happens when something's gone? not stuff like your wallet, money, or shoes, you'll realize all that right away right?? but what if it's someone? what do you feel if someone close to you is gone? if they gone abroad, or just plain gone from your life... would you think about it? or even realize it?
I think about it all the time... if I'm gone... or if I really does goes out of country... will anybody miss me? will anybody even care??
Actually this kind of analogy frequently used by people that's been in love... does she even care about me? does she miss me? if I'm gone would she notice? funny when my friend asked me this kind of question, coz all I can say was "dude, how the hell should I know?" coz even I always asking that myself whenever I liked someone... now I know what's the real answer for that question, and the answer is...
Time will tell...
Just keep your head up, coz as time rolls on, it'll reveal itself...
Seeyah in our funny lives... ~ArnozA~
posted by Dudut @ 11:32 PM  |
Sunday, February 4, 2007 |
Fragile... |
A few post ago I write something about how Jason Kidd did an amazing thing while disturbed with his personal problems... well just a few days ago, on a match against Orlando Magic, he scored 0 points on that game, and his team lost the match. People said that it's the impact from his divorce... to me it sounded pretty normal. Whenever I got some personal problems, all I could do was whining, getting angry at people, and all of those useless crap... all I could do was being still... and try to stop my life from spinning, just like right now. Coz right now I'm on the bottom again... and you know what? sometimes I liked being at the bottom coz it pushed me to my limits, I'll do some stuff I don't realize that I can/still could do... It'll make me stronger and hopefully it'll make me a better man...
Right now I dunno what I feel... what I feel the most is... I feel sick... then there's this confusion, after that comes regrets... along came anger... and last but not least, comes sadness... this last one's the most frustrating feelings I had... It's really really frus-freakin-trating...
Who says that men can't cry? I'm a living proof of it... we act all tough and strong on the outside eventhough we're dying inside... it usually happens to guys who do know how to appreciate and love you ladies madly, but these type of guys have the most fragile heart in the world. These type of guys tend not to protect their heart, and gamble their heart away on you ladies, hoping you'll take care of his heart... with just hope... they don't care if they'd end up with a broken heart... they just wanna make you smile happily...
Funny stuff today when my friend told me a story about some stuff that's been on his mind, and as usual, it involved a girl... he said after that, he actually feels sick. And he keeps on holding it until now... I told him just to let it out man, throw up... coz I've been there... I've had so many problems that makes me sick, it makes me throw up... actually I've did that like three times since December... resulting from the problems that just keeps adding on, it makes me tired, it makes me sick of myself...
So does that enough to make all of you ladies believe that guys's heart are fragile? My friend's story? My own story?? Even superstar like Jason Kidd's???
You decide...
posted by Dudut @ 10:08 PM  |
When I look at the mirror right now |
When I saw at the mirror just after I'm done showering... I just realized that I looked like a mess... haven't shaved for almost a week, my hair starting to get long, starting to loose weight (that's right!!!)... and I don't know if it's a good thing or bad or even both... well that's just phisically... when I saw inside, I saw a bad guy, a bad big mouthed liar who talks too much and don't even care about other people's feeling... I saw am idiot who can't be thankful for what God has given to him, and can't even do what God has told him to do... I saw a disgusting person who only thinks about himself, and always put his ego first... I saw an ignorant person who couldn't even make a decision for himself... He's a sissy who couldn't made up his mind on any kind of things, from small things, up to the things that'll decide his own future...
Well,that's what I felt today...
Today I feel a little weird... I won't say it here, but it sure does make me feels depressed... so depressed....... it makes realized that I'm all of those persons that I mentioned before... if it's just me then it's okay, but if it affects people around me, then it's makes me an even worse person...
But I'm still me, doing what I gotta do... one of my best friend told me that I'm moving too slow with my life... I'm sorry but as people said.....
slow motion's better than no motion.......
That's the best thing I can do... sorry but hey, at least I'm moving forward right?? I hope you'll be by my side when I'm started to go backwards again buddy...
posted by Dudut @ 12:13 AM  |
Friday, February 2, 2007 |
Look into the eyes |
It sure sounded corny but that's what we should do... whenever we do that, hopefully we'll see a good part of someone even if he's a pure jackass... well I never did it to a guy though, I only did it to the ladies... ehehehee... you should try it, when you're in a conversation just try to look in her eyes... try from the basic thing, like the color of her eyes, I'll bet that some of you don't even know what's her eye color... just start from the color, then look waayyy inside it... I can't tell you what you're gonna see, you gotta find it yourself...
As for me, I've seen some friendship, hatred, and warmness... but one time I saw this loneliness... loneliness she can't hide no matter what kind of face she's making, what she does, and even what she says... I saw this complicated feelings inside her heart that there's no calculus lecturer have the formula to solve it... I saw water have gone through that eyes more than you can imagine... I saw this fragile heart inside her that's been needing protection, warm hands, and gentle caresses...
That's just me though... maybe it's just my imagination, or just call me crazy... but that way I felt that I get to know her better...
Seeyah in our funny lives...
posted by Dudut @ 3:14 AM  |
Raindrops keeps falling on my head |
*Warning a little bit of sensual and abusive words being used ahead*
It's raining like crazy here in Jakarta, it's still raining even now, but that didn't stop me from going to campus today... even with my body half sick, and so did my friend adit... but it's totally worth it... I haven't laughed like today since like the last semester in college... my mouth and stomach are hurt just from the laughing... waahahahaaaa..... here's what we found out from our conversation about nothing today...
MBA = Married By Accident (obviously...)
PHD = Pretty Huge D*** (still general...)
now here's what I just found out... S.Kom = Sister.Komplex... (the hell???)
and here's what kevin Found... M.Sc = Masochists!!! (WTF??!?!?!?)
This stuff just cracks us up... we're literally Rolling On The Floor Laughing!!! aahhahaaaaa... that wasn't included the stuff we do when there's weird people or chicks comes through... and we imagined/talked about if any of us really went to Japan, then two years from the day he go, there'll be an Japanese Adult Videos starring... one of us with nicknames like 'dyt', 'kev', or even 'no'... mwahahahahaaa!!!!! oww man, I missed my friends... thx for a short blast of time guys...
posted by Dudut @ 2:49 AM  |
If a picture says a thousand words... |
Done feeding my cats, locked all the doors, everybody's asleep... now I want you all to sing along with me...
If a picture says a thousand words.......
Then what the hell is THIS?!??!?!??!?!

Man!!! we took this picture right after my friend's final thesis exam. we're just fooling around and takes a lot of stupid pictures, when suddenly that picture comes out... I wasn't aware of that picture at first, coz I went out for a while. But when I came back their faces were all changed, they're like "come on dude, let's get the hell outta here!! we'll fill you out on the road..." and in the car I was looking at the camera browsing at those pictures, and when that picture appears I was like "AAAAAAAARRGGHHHH!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT????" seriously, I was screaming like mad!!! I swear it's real... no editing and stuff... ahahahaa, if y'all still confused, thenI don't know what to say... but it's real... it's damn real...
ahahahaa, and I just wanna say Congrats to Gilang, Kevin, and  Yennyta for finishing their final thesis... and come on dude, we gotta eat right??
Here's a sleepy face of me and Farel while waiting to go in to the classroom... man, I'm so ugly... ahahahahaaa, well it is funny to watch other people's faces on the final thesis court room =P but it's absolutely no funny when ourself's in there... hell, I don't even wanna do the slide presentation coz I'm afraid that I'm gonna end up making a joke and made everyone laugh but the lecturers... well, that day's kinda old but really worthy to be remembered... well, again congrats y'all... seeyah in Japan Kev... and seeyah in Holland Gil... but before that, seeyah at campus next monday, okay??? aahahahahaa.....
posted by Dudut @ 2:35 AM  |
Isn't live feels better with those three elements? |
About Me |
Name: Dudut
Home: Jakarta, Indonesia
About Me: I'm what I am... currently thinking of stuff that I can brag about... =P ahahahhaaa... but mainly i'm just a regular guy with some special things up my sleeve, who's trying to find a living for my current and future family...
See my complete profile
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